Although the temps are still vacillating from unseasonably cold to mildly normal, I think it’s safe to say that Spring has finally sprung. Gone are the forecasts of snow and sleet. As we gradually accept the warmth and sunshine of recent days, we can sense the internal shift within us.
I’m not suggesting that Spring has magical powers but one would have to admit that it does cause somewhat of a spellbound effect. Beyond its glorious bloom, it has a strong and compelling influence on our mental attitude. Most of us have been stuck inside this past winter, we are all yearning to get out and do. Anything. Even a mundane errand seems joyful. So aside from the noticeably longer lines at the car wash, what does this all mean?
This might just be the kick in the butt we needed. Change is good.
We are so ready to shift into action and squelch procrastination. I write often about weather as a strong influencer and this particular cycle seems to emit such powerful motivation. Inclement weather is no longer sabotaging our to-do’s. The change in weather boosts our morale and more importantly, heightens our productivity.
Spring urges us to spring forward, with a more positive bounce to our step. We feel inspired by the new landscape that’s shifting before our eyes. Flowers will be blooming and lawns will be turning greener. You can sense movement and shift with the obvious external changes. This feeling can likely discourage the ‘lazy’ in us, don’t you think? Fewer of us will opt to sit on the couch inside when a gorgeous sunny day is begging for our attention.
The thought of putting away winter sweaters and buying ‘spring things’ is so enticing, isn’t it? Perhaps even swapping out your wardrobes will inspire you to re-organize your closets and ignite the spring cleaning process… everywhere. Embrace the endless opportunities and possibilities that this new season prompts.
Whether you feel inclined to bike, hike, or start a new project, this is the perfect setting and time to do so. Spring into action!
So are you tapping into the shift? Are you ready to do?
2 thoughts on “April Ahhs…How The Enchantment Drives Productivity”