Day 21: (June 7) There were some particular possessions that I knew no longer served a purpose (especially if they were broken), but yet they still had a sentimental attachment to me. Like our first Chanukah menorah for our new home, a gift from my parents. For over 27 years, we commemorated the holiday with the very same menorah. The colored candle wax had melted and dripped over the ceramic piece year after year, over and over again, and had left its mark in the most beautiful artistic way. Each drool of wax had formed thick layers representing the rich history of our celebrations. Unfortunately, it did not stand the test of time and burning flames. The candlestick holders had crumbled with age, leaving behind nothing more than a stump of ashes. This past year, we bought a new one, and of course, I saved the old one for posterity. There is not ample room for moving with all the things that I still do use, albeit for old broken things, so I took a digital picture and let it go.
So learn from me, when you are deliberating about the stuff you can’t part with, take a pic and let it go. It works. I feel the same about the framed jigsaw puzzles that my daughter and I labored over, and though they are physically departing, I will always have them, digitally, that is.