Day 10: (May 3) Regrouped and actually compartmentalized the grief so I can stick with the plan. This is easier said than done, but in a way, it’s a metaphor for “literally” moving on. And so I must.
Started in the basement (lower lever) and began emptying out the storage closets that houses all my memory boxes. So much sorting, weeding, and purging ahead of me before I can pack up a thing. Took everything out, one box at a time, realizing how much I needed to weed through. Did a quick sort of everything else in that room and loaded up the ping pong table for items to donate, and reduce down. Actually utilized the center net as my divider, separating the things I planned on donating and recycling from the things I just needed to reorganize. As more stuff came out of the closet, it was becoming harder to organize the memorabilia, so I imposed a resting point in order to focus and evaluate what was directly in my face. At a quick glance, it was apparent that I was inundated with old photo albums and framed family photos, both small and enlarged. With each picture I looked at, a flood of memories overcame me. I realized how fleeting life is, and wondered where the years had gone. My father has passed but his face was everywhere, and it was difficult to consider these items as clutter, so I immediately created a special corner for my most treasured items. My family photos are my most prized possessions and I will always honor and respect them with the highest regard. The oldest albums themselves, were not in great shape; their spines were falling apart and some had lost their covers altogether. Noted this was to be a project on my “to do” list, but certainly not for today.
Today I addressed the stuff I was ready to part with: The kid’s board games (kept the classics, like Monopoly, Life, Scrabble, Scattagories); stuffed animals; old coats; 7 pcs. of luggage without wheelies; a telescope; 4 sleeping bags;over 15 blankets; ass’t. camp bedding and ass’t. sizes of sheets and pillowcases; worthless naked Barbie dolls with random clothes; Kid’s art projects (took digital photos); art supplies. On the walls hang the framed jigsaw puzzles that my daughter and I painstakingly completed, at wee hours of the night, throughout her adolescent years. Those were such precious memories and each puzzle we labored over, inspired wonderful and intimate conversations together. Once again, getting a bit sentimental now anticipating the emotional tug of letting go. This is not easy, constant tugging at my heartstrings.

The reality is that I cannot take them all, the memories will be cherished forever, and so donating them to a school or senior facility will soften the ache. For hire, I can be the Professional Organizer and am prepared to be the facilitator, and/or the catalyst to motivate and guide the client to let things go. It’s quite another scenario to guide yourself through your own emotional purge. All bets are off, and some basic principles of organization can be neglected if you let it. Even a Professional Organizer needs an objective eye to aid in the decision making process to assist in letting things go.
The support of my family and friends have played a role in shadowing this project and their tough love was an integral part of my decision making. Called a charity and arranged for pick-up tomorrow. The Salvation Army picks up in my area on designated days and you dont’ need to be home. Easy and convenient. Sooner is better than later, so there is no time for overthinking and change of heart.
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