Visual Organizing for the New Space

Day 16: (May 16) Went to the rental space we are moving to, where someone still lives.  We were able to measure all the rooms, so we could visualize the furniture configurations.  We created templates of  the dimensions of our couches and tables with newspapers, and laid them down on the floor. Room by room, we we were distressed that our furniture did not fit precisely as we would have liked.  The new space is temporary so for the time being, we will have to make it work. Adequate storage for all the things I committed to packing for this move is also going to be challenging.  So far I felt that I was in control of the organizing process, and now I am realizing that not everything can be perfectly organized.  Somehow, I’m going to have to implement some new creative and flexible systems to accommodate the things I desire to keep. As pictured, I will have to modify the functionality of the marble card table and re-purpose it as a kitchen table. 


re-purposing card table to now be used as kitchen table
re-purposing card table to now be used as kitchen table