The Blog

Moving On Up…Stairs, That Is

Day 22: (June 11) Another day, another weed.  It’s beginning to feel like a cleansing.  Went a little crazy in my closet and managed to turn order into chaos!  I know that sounds crazy for an organizer to admit, but once I detached from the clothing that was hanging there for over 15 years and not worn, I started tossing like crazy.  There were shoes (mostly black) with every heel and toe shape possible, handbags not used, worn socks, etc.  Bagged it all, and schlepped them back down to the foyer for another pick-up. Called Vietnam Veterans of America this time to donate my undesireables. 

Once they came and took it all away, I must say this kind of empty felt amazing.  I felt both happy to give to a needy charity, and relieved to get rid of so much clutter.  I have to say, purging was very liberating.  No regrets.  Don’t miss any of it!

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Staying on Task with the Move


 Day 15: (May 14) Emptied the balance of items in the game and craft closet and the linen closet to sort and weed.  Had accumulated so many extra blankets to accommodate sleepover company, but today just saved a homemade crocheted patchwork quilt that my Mom made, and a favorite, cozy duvet from my Mother-in law. Put aside one random blanket just in case we need it at the other end of the move.

There seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel, at least on this level.  I’m thinking that the hardest emotional purge is now behind me, and now I am tossing the clutter at a much faster rate. 

I am noticing the rooms are looking bare and although this is clearly the goal, I can’t help but feel a little “empty'” and hollow inside.  This was once a room filled with so much laughter and commotion.The kid’s had countless, mass sleepovers for so many friends throughout the years, and now the quiet was almost deafening.

Arranged for a pick-up dates for my unwanted items, called Clothing Drive to support Alzheimer’s Foundation of America. Trying to spread the donations around to a variety of charities.  Bagged and labeled with their respective pick up dates.

The sorting and purging are completed on this level, next comes the actual boxing. Will need to organize that process with consideration for the unpack; what boxes will probably be stored in the garage temporarily, and what boxes will need to be accessible and unpacked for use.

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The Organizing Plan of the Move: The Big Picture

Day 5: (April 18, 2010) Today I contacted  Charities and other organizations to inquire about donations and to schedule pick –ups. Researching all the necessary information is all part of the masterful plan of organization. I chose the Lupus Foundation today because their next available trucking route in my area worked for me.  They will take just about everything, except upholstered furniture.  I am so happy and grateful that I can get rid of so much clutter all at one time.  So much easier than separating categories.

So far, this is good…nothing hurts yet.  This is all EXCESS, easier to purge.  I have only just begun.  I need to dig deeper.  Need to  keep going.

As for the stuff that I want to keep,  I need to devise a plan so that the packing process will be organized! Thought it would be productive to begin physically packing those things that are not immediately useful to me, nor need to be accessible in the near future.   So I am starting with my basement: the Lower Level (which was designed to function as an alternate living space with den, media room, linen closet, toy and craft closet, small kitchenette with microwave and fridge, full gym, large storage closet, full-bath, and bedroom). There is an additional storage closet that houses a fourth and fifth set of Holiday dishes, stemware, platters, pots and pans, silverware, etc.  Think this is a good starting point. Together, with my family, we will sort and purge as we go, determining what possessions we will need to pack.

I am going to create a packing station on my “soon to be” donated ping-pong table in this lower-level zone. It will be where I will sort, organize and assess what I am keeping and packing, what I am donating, and what is to be recycled or trashed. This is what I will designate as my hub of the packing process for items on this level only.  I will need to create similar hubs for each level of my house so that I can have an easy and direct access for sorting and packing. No reason to run up and down three flights of stairs, carrying items and delivering to only one packing area.  So this is my plan: I’m going to divide the “pack” into Three floors; The Lower Level, The Main Floor (Center Hall, Hall Closet, Powder Bath, Dining Room, Kitchen, Laundry Room, Pantry Room, Bar Room, and Den, and Maid’s Room); The Upper Level: Master Bedroom and Bath, three bedrooms, second full-bath, and linen Closet.  I will create a manifest list where I will list all items packed and cross referenced with a colored dot system.  Those boxes that are moving to the new space, will be assigned a color for a particular room so that it can be easily delivered to the corresponding designated space. With this system in place, it will be easy for both  the Movers and I to be organized and efficient, and enable the unpack to run more smoothly.


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Mental Organizing for My Move

 Day 3: (April 15, 2010) Today is the day for designing a plan, which means I have  take the emotion out of the equation.  The reality of MOVING THE MESS is NOW! OMG and I have way too much stuff.   So initially I’m thinking, an effective starting point would be to address the excess…the clutter…the stuff I don’t really need, nor will I miss, (which translates to: the kid’s roller blades, bicycles,  tennis rackets, basketballs, hockey sticks, art supplies, board games, etc.).  Just because I don’t need them anymore, someone else surely does. This is easy.  If I know that other children can enjoy these things, it feels great  to let it go and donate to an appropriate charity. Ditto to their clothing, saved Halloween costumes, knapsacks, sleeping bags, baseball caps, clothing, and sports memorabilia no longer cherished.  OK, now we are moving……(not literally, of course,  but at least in my head).

With respect to the grand scheme of “organizing (i.e. sorting, weeding, and purging), I would be remiss if I didn’t factor  being ”green” into this equation.  Let me mention, that as an Organizer and a conscientious consumer, it is my responsibility to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. It would be so easy to simply decide “trash” or “treasure” and overflow the dumpster with those items I no longer need.  But we all must be accountable for our stuff and mindful that clearing our clutter means recycling or donating, not dumping it  into our Earth’s landfills. I get it, and I can only hope the rest of the world gets it. If someone out in the world can benefit from our undesirables, wouldn’t that be a more gratifying option?  Think of it as re-gifting.

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