Catch the Wind in Your Sail

3062986132_opt-1Timing is everything.  The rise and fall of your personal productivity depends on it. Everybody’s productivity barometer is calibrated differently. It’s a such personal measure, so it cannot be standardized. How we adjust precisely in this particular function can definitely increase our personal successes, but it in no way, defines it. It simply enables us to synchronize our opportunities with our actions.

I’m a summer gal, so I feel that I’m my best SELF in a season I’m the happiest.  Certainly every day is not perfect, nor can I claim that I’m always super-productive!  I’m human, after all.  But I am very cognizant that my energy levels boost higher and more often, than on a cold wintry day.  This is a time that I catch the wind in my sails, and so I capitalize on these opportunities. With blue skies above and the sun shining brightly overhead, I am more apt to get up and be ready to work hard and play hard. For me, outside work reigns supreme, and indoor projects are reserved for rainy days.

Productivity may easily be triggered by the natural seasonal changes, but it can also fluctuate from day to day.

The key is to know thyself.  If you further edit it down, you may find that there are specific days of the week or hours of a day, that you notice an energy surge.  Are Mondays tough for you to get back into a groove? Are early mornings more productive than late afternoons? There’s no right or wrong answer, we all operate on our own unique efficiency levels.

So if you’re feeling blue, don’t beat yourself for not getting things done.  There will be brighter days ahead. Wait for them, and catch the wind in your sails.  Find your rhythm.  Inspiration can feed productivity so figure out what inspires you and seize the moment!

Do you have a particular season, day of the week, or a time of  the day that makes your productivity soar?

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