Day 7: (April 21, 2010) So essentially, this is today’s plan: Purchasing the boxes, packing tape, newspaper-print paper, bubble wrap, heavy-duty contractor trash bags (so much more durable for heavy items) to begin the packing PHASE 1.
(By the way, did I mention that I am already mentally exhausted !)
Went to Public Storage today and toured the various units to get an idea of what I might need to store those items that will not fit in my new space. Confirmed that these units were climate controlled (a must!!). Just researched to get educated on monthly fees, should I need outside storage facilities. While I was there, I purchased a starter set of packing products there just to begin. What sizes should I buy? Thinking now, there is a distinctive difference between storage boxes and packing boxes. The largest boxes can be used for the pack and unpack, because they are so huge, they need to be broken down (not too practical for storing with limited space), whereas the smaller boxes can be stored, accessible and easily transportable . My existing storage boxes at home (with lids and handles) will have to be re-organized and re-labeled, and will be able to transfer as is. So to justify the visit, I arbitrarily chose 10 medium size boxes to begin, confident that they will all be used one way or another.
FYI…checked out other places for packing materials and discovered that Home Depot boxes and bubble wrap were much less expensive than Public Storage. Also purchased the heavy duty contractor bags, and miscellaneous supplies (in bulk) at Costco.
Stopped off at the supermarket to pick up some shallow produce boxes to load up my old books, so it will be easy to transport them to a local bookstore and library. Then went to local liquor stores to get compartmentalized boxes for protecting glass vases for my pack, as well as for donation pick-up. Good productive day. I’m on the move!
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