One of the all time over-stated and under-utilized motto is, “When you get lemons, make lemonade.” But how often do we take active measures to redirect our path in the face of adversity?
Life can be hard and often unfair. We must work hard at cultivating our own happiness. Whether it’s caused by financial struggles or amidst any other trying circumstance, self pity or idleness is not a productive way to confront despair. Don’t be a victim, be proactive.
The adage, “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger” is truly an inspirational one and has always resonated with me. It’s all about perseverance. There is always a silver lining to every bad situation, and so we must gather our survival tools to diffuse and minimize them. One simple coping tool is to prioritize. In the midst of the difficulty, step away and take stock. What things are you grateful for? What is important to you? Find the happy in them. Focus on the positive, not the negative. Gain control and reverse the momentum. Adjust your attitude.
As this is my 100th blog post, this feels like a milestone post. It gives me pause for some significant personal reflection. I want to thank you the reader, for visiting, commenting, and your continued follow. Know that my content comes from an authentic place, and I draw from my own personal and professional experiences. I share with you my organizing expertise, along with my heart.
For me, health, family and friends are paramount in my life. So for now, no matter how hard and challenged the days are ahead, I find the happy through my family and friends. It is my life-balance. These are my vital anchors. What are yours? How do you cope with your hardships?
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