Reflections, Wake-up Calls, and Change… sans Mirrors

You do not need to look in a mirror to realize your successes or failures, nor to measure your range of happiness.  If you are self-aware, you know the truth. But there are certain times of the year that inspire you to pause, look inward a little more deeply. How do you really see yourself?

When do you soul search and what makes you change?

There are all different kinds of triggers that awaken us into self-evaluation.  Sometimes it’s brought on by a happy life-cycle event like a birthday or anniversary.  Reflection is also inspired by commemorating a sad time with an anniversary of a death or a tragedy, like 911.  But typically for most, it’s the finality of the year’s end that generally punctuates personal reflection with the coveted new year’s resolution.

These are all annual reminders and wake-up calls.

But seasonal changescan invite self-analysis as well.  Personally, I am a very introspective person and the change in seasons always affects both my mind and my soul.  It’s not simply a physical change.  As the weather changes,  my thoughts are infused with change.  I’m so very cognizant about the changes around me.  I pay attention.  The physical change stimulates my mind and alerts me to assess the past in a very natural way.  It’s an automatic comparison to connect the then with the now.

As Fall encroaches, I actually feel different.  I switch clothing, I switch gears.  I’m already thinking about the days differently. The summer beach towels are stored away and my days are organized with a new mindset.  Another year or another season, it makes no difference.  For me, it doesn’t take much to give pause and reflect.  I’m a thinker, bordering on “over”-thinking.  But I’m working on it, or at least “thinking” about it, lol.

Reflection is cathartic. We all should make time to engage in the process.  It can breed change but it doesn’t necessarily have to.  When you reflect, you are self-evaluating and that can be very validating.  If all is good, no need to make changes.  Enjoy the positivity of the reflection.

As the Jewish New Year and the High Holy Days approaches, it is the ultimate time for personal reflection.  We look inward and recognize our shortcomings and atone for our transgressions. We reflect with gratitude.  Grateful for the past healthy year and my loving family, I pray that the coming year is a repeat.

What does it take for you to ignite reflection? What wakes YOU up?

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