Nope, the month of March is not just about college basketball mania. It’s about transitioning into a new season; a natural motivator for change. Yet another opportunity to check in with yourself and perhaps, re-align.
Although there might still be a chill in the air, we can sense that brighter and warmer days are just around the corner. I am struck with how this positive mental attitude is so contagious all around me. Everyone appears to be in a better mood knowing that Spring is on its way. Sure, we are all going to have bad days now and then, but we know they are short-lived because with the early onset of daylight savings time, the change of season is closer than further.
So let’s get busy and changing our mindset before the Spring weather is upon us. Set goals NOW and visualize the end result. Have a plan to ensure that they are attainable. Think about what you want to accomplish this Spring that you did not follow through with last year. What tripped you up? If you have fallen off the wagon in regard to exercise, then get back to the gym and onto the tread mill today! Or maybe try something new and trendy like Soul Cycle or go back to basic core work with Pilates. On that first gorgeous Spring day you’ll feel great about your mind, body, and soul, instead of regretful and disappointed.
Organize your to do list NOW and prioritize the big picture plan for Spring/Summer and break it down into small doable parts. Taking the time to think about it might make you accountable for actually doing it. By giving yourself ample time to mentally prepare, you are giving yourself a fighting chance to accomplish at least some of your goals. Too often, we procrastinate until we are overwhelmed with too much to do and so nothing gets done at all.
Don’t wait for Spring to pop up and catch you by surprise, then realize that it came and went and you never cleaned out the garage. Trust me, before long it will be Summer and you know you won’t be able to resist the pull of the beach and you’ll be thinking….you’ll do it tomorrow !
Reset the clock and reboot yourself. Make March your month to literally Spring forward to a fresh and exciting new start. Consider this a brand new make-over. It’s all about change. Change of season and perhaps a change in you. Plant new seeds and cultivate new ideas. Be inspired by an azure blue sky and a beautiful sunset. Go crazy and be overzealous with your wish list. Get motivated. Change something. Make March Madness your own kind of frenzy.