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Catch the Spring Fever…and Oh the Places You’ll Go!

“You’re off to great places!  Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so…get on your way!”

One of my all time favorite classic books is Dr. Seuss’s, Oh The Places You’ll Go.  I have read this book countless times to my young children many moons ago, and had even given it to my son before he left for college (FYI, he was mortified). But honestly, its inspiration is timeless and so here I am sharing its resounding message once again.

Spring vacation is over.  It was perhaps the perfect break that we all needed.  It was a long cold winter and we needed to reboot.  But now it’s time to crack the windows open, let the fresh air in, and breathe in all the new opportunities.

I woke up this morning to a bright sunny morning and I heard the birds melodically chirping.  It felt different, as if mother nature was alerting me that indeed the new season is here.  Do you feel the change too?  Are you paying attention?  It happens so quickly…one day it feels like winter left-overs and the next minute it’s Spring!

But as awesome as this change is, we must remember the window of opportunity is limited. Time to roll up those sleeves and jump into spring cleaning mode. Of course, there’s is the general house clean-up but the two areas that are time sensitive are the attic and the garage. Perfect opportunity for a garage sales and a house cleanse. Everyone is eager to shop for great bargains when the weather is beautiful.  It’s ideal to do all you can do outside. Crank up the music and clean out the shed.  Most importantly, the attic needs to be addressed before it gets too hot.  The time is now.

So remember, Spring has sprung…

“You have brains in your head.  You have feet in your shoes.  You can steer yourself any direction you choose.  You’re on your own.  And you know what you know.  And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go.”

Where will YOU begin to start your spring cleaning?

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Got PTHD? How to Remedy Post Traumatic Holiday Disorder

There is a noteworthy measure of some good, bad, and ugly at the end of one year and the beginning of a new one.  The good is that the chaos of the holidays are finally over. The bad is that the holidays are finally over, and you have to wait an entire year til next Xmas season. The ugly is the mess you are left to clean up.

For starters, the Christmas tree has to come down, the lights put away, the ornaments need to be boxed up, the wrapping paper and accompaniments need to be organized.  And I’m sure there are still random presents that need to be returned or exchanged.

Where did all the joy go?  Did yours peak at Christmas and take a huge nose dive after the New Year?

It is understandable and likely that many of us suffer from what I call, Post Traumatic Holiday Disorder.  We can all admit to feeling somewhat of a void after such a concentrated month of jubilation.  But perhaps, we should look at it in another way.  Take this time to pause and reflect.  Be grateful that you had a holiday and were able to celebrate it. The parties may be over but the memories live on forever, and hopefully you took the pics to commemorate them.  Even all good things must come to an end.

Give yourself a little break to catch your breath, re-organize and reboot…and then back to business as usual.

Do your best not to wallow in the sorrow of the end of a year and concentrate on the beginning of a new one.  Start fresh.

Look forward to the possibilities of new opportunities that lie ahead in the coming new year.

Focus on that.  Find a hopeful spirit.  It can be rejuvenating and motivating.  It can engulf you.  Let it.  It just might be the fix you’ll need to fight the blues until that first bloom of Spring.

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The 5 R’S That Should Be On Your August To-Do List

1.  RELISH: That’s right, relish the summer!  It’s not over yet, stretch it out.  Frolic in the lazy, crazy days of summer.  Savor the sunshine, appreciate the gorgeous summer sunsets, and take pleasure in the warm evenings that inspire you to do almost anything at all (even if you’re tired from a long day).

2.  RE-EVALUATE: Summer is a great time to focus on YOU.  You’re enjoying the weather, you’re more relaxed and are probably on the higher end of the “happy” scale than you were in the winter.  And so it’s a great time to weigh in on your priorities and goals when you have positive energy flowing.  Take a step back and re-evaluate your life and use this time to regroup.  Organize your thoughts and make changes in the areas that are no longer working for you.  Logical thinking and productive reasoning can really thrive when you are in a positive place.

3.  REBOOT: Not a bad time to shut down either, for a little while.  The turning off will allow everything to re-calculate. Take some time off from the same ‘ol, same ‘ol of every day.  Even if you can’t take a vacation, you can still take a break from the mundane and do something fun.  It’s summertime, don’t harness yourself with huge to-do lists. Give yourself a little more down time and allow yourself to enjoy more leisure time.  Sometimes you just need to turn the switch to OFF.  Shut it down and reboot.

4.  REJUVENATE: Time to refresh. By taking a break, you will activate new energy and potentially restore your focus. Very few can work at their highest potential for long periods of time before suffering burn-out. Capture the benefits of summer like a giant dose of vitamin D!  Rejuvenate.

5.  READY: If you have used your summertime wisely, and relaxed the heck out of it, then give yourself a big A+ in time-management.  Now you’re ready to rock and roll! September is just around the corner and we’ll be blogging about that real soon, but until then…… Enjoy the summer and PLAY hard!





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